Thursday, March 5, 2009

Heyy!! It's beth, the super amazing guitarist from Destination: Paradise (lol, jk).
just got back from guitar....and really, im NOT a rockstar or anything, but literally everyone in my class thinks im a guitar expert. oh well.... :)
i've been really focusing on Romans 8:39, which says, "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
and how many times do we in our Christian walk feel like we've been neglected or forgotten? its a great verse, thats all i have to say!!!
so i've finished a new song.... titled "Free Fall" or "Free Falling".... we'll get to the official name prolly on saturday
our next big practice and prayer time, i cannot wait :)
i cant list all the lyrics now, but i can give you the chorus...
It's like I'm free fallin'
It's a crazy ride, hold on tight
I hear you calling
And I'll answer, thank you Jesus
I'm filled with His love
Everything's in place
It's like I'm free fallin'
Since I took a leap of faith
Well, I g2g read this school book called "Darkness at Noon" its reaaaaallly not my kinda book. All political and dry...
well anyway, you gotta love yummy books like that!! :p
hope you're all having a good day friends!!! <3
luvs, beth xoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. heyya girl. FINALLY were able to get on, i see?
    can't WAIT to see you and Zo saturday!
    love yah guys!


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