Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh yeah, we got the new look...

Beth here. As you are prolly staring at the header on this blog, yes, we got a picture for you! Finally, I know. Sorry about that... :] Thank Christa, she's the amazing artistic girl on the DP team here. Today I wanted to mention a subject that has been on my mind: time. OK, what do you really need to say about time??? That's what you are thinking, right? Well, you only have so much TIME on this earth. You only have so much TIME to be a teenager, or TIME as the star of your high school sports team, etc, etc..... so how do you know you are spending your time wisely? How do you know that you aren't spending all your time doing the exact opposite thing you should be doing? The answer to this question was far from me. I kept thinking and thinking on this. Music and guitar aren't my only interests. So is this band thing (whether just for fun or for something more in the future) what I should be doing? Then I came across this verse: Proverbs 16:3. "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Bam. I'm still stuck on that verse. Whew. Us girls at DP want to serve and honor God in all we do. And we are convinced that this passion is real.
Real is a big word. In the quest to find what is real, don't get confused. Trust God.

Love the guitar girl,


Rock on!


1 comment:

  1. You guys are awesome:) I wanna hear some of your stuff!

    Kristin (Jessalyn's mom)


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