Tuesday, December 22, 2009

*~Christmas Wishes!~*

It's that time of year again. The shoppers are flying back and forth between the mall and home just about as fast as the snow flies to the ground. But in the midst of all the seasonal excitement, don't forget to remember the reason for the season.
This year, the "Christmas Chaos" as I fondly call it, has taken a bit of a different direction. I have been given so much.... it is hard to describe. This Christmas, God has given me a new guitar, a new amp, a new case, AND a new cable to boot. How do you humanly respond to something like this??? The gift is so... incredible. And you sincerely know you can't repay in any way. My response is a prayer. When I come across something so incredible, so... deep that you cannot give an equal payment, all I can say is this: "God you gave this to me.... take it once again, and through this may your name be lifted higher. Take this guitar, may every song ever played, written or thought up on it be for YOUR GLORY."
Another blessing is that we have finally gotten a video clip up on facebook! You can actually hear one of our originals!!! Please comment, tell us what you think!
Some amazing things are happening.

I pray that this season finds you so moved by the majesty. :)

Stay strong, ROCK on!

Beth xoxoxoxox

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Alright, so you've already heard about Youth Night by Beth. Guess I can't report that, now, can I?


I will report, however, that yesterday and the day before Zoe and I were given a chance to work on my new song entitled "One Day"...it's more of a Chris Tomlin-style piece but I, for one, love it! It's coming along well, and we were able to do a rough recording on her computer (yes, we're working on getting cables and all the fun stuff we need to be able to actually have a decent recording to work with)... This song is complete with violin (yes!) and Zoe has some sweet piano stuff going on that she's been itching to have for a while now. So...now I'm just thinking that we need guitar! (Yes, I'm thinking of having acoustic...gosh Beth's gonna kill me..)

Aside from this song, I've started writing another song that's the totally opposite style. I know, I know...bi-genre much? I figure, what with this new, uncharted territory of song-writing, I'd better please everyone.

Just figuring out the song with Zoe yesterday and the night before, I could really feel like we were doing something right, like it was actually going to all work out and everything. I love it when that happens. I could feel God at work in that song. The day before, when I was writing the lyrics, when I needed a phrase, it took me all of two seconds to figure something out, like someone was whispering into my ear that those were the words I was supposed to use, as if it was clear that that was the only way it was supposed to be.

God certainly has blessed us all. If I look at our band a while ago, we were just a few kids with a far-off dream. But now it seems as if that dream isn't really all that far off. The only way we have been able to accomplish all that we have is indeed through our one and only savior, and we know that. We cannot be so prideful as to claim God's works as our own. My violin was a miracle. Zoe's ability to be able to take drum lessons was a wonderful opportunity. Beth's new guitar and amp is a wonderful thing as well. Though all these things are wonderful, we cannot forget that it was God who made it all possible. Pride is never a good thing, no matter what form.

"But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God, and entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense." -2 Chronicles 26:16

We are very grateful to God and his blessings, and through this Christmas season, we remember all he has done.

God bless <><
~Christa B

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Heart's Marked Classified

So. long. time. no. see. After the last month has past, I've had some time to reflect and think, pray and praise, watch and see God's hand at work. I have to say, as time goes on, I am more and more determined to follow God where ever he leads. He is slowly taking away my pride until all that is left is my stripped down spirit, crying out for the love only he can give. So. We've been given the opportunity to play at Youth Night CBC again. Another cooool song is in the making. Kinda.... Paramorish. Definitely rockstar material. *wink* *wink*
So very awesome, stay tuned and tell your friends! Destination: Paradise is always ready to share our story and music with you guys!

Stay strong, ROCK on!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Who's in Charge Anyways?

Two posts in the period of like.... two days! Record!!! Give me a prize... haha.
So WHO IS IN CHARGE? And in charge of what you may be asking? Well... everything that has been happening. From our first song to our first show, who should be given credit? Don't give it to us. Fact is, there is little we could take credit for anyways. Who else besides God could have so perfectly orchestrated every tiny detail of this undertaking for the last 2 or so years? He knew of our impatience before it would come, he knew of the struggles, the tears and the successes. He also knew of the failures we would face, the way some would receive us, the way we would so often stumble away from his plans. We know that because we aren't highly experienced musicians, we will be made fun of. We have been already. We've been disrespected and gotten such strange looks. Like, HELLO? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! That's the typical response, right? But we have also been blessed with such great friends along the way, trusting in us and teaching us. But we aren't even certain what he will do through us. What excitement and joy would we have if our life's greatest moments were alll known ahead of time??? All we know is HE IS IN CHARGE. He is planning the most incredible things for us, we only need to surrender our lives to him completely, and he will work through us. I have no doubts. The same God who has been credited with the amazing and impossible.... this is the God I serve. And yes, I am glad he is in charge.

30 followers! Keep it up! :D

Stay strong, rock on.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Have you ever come across an old song that you just looked past one time and then a while later you are like "This is the BEST song in the world!!" yes, well I just had one of those moments. The song Jesus Paid It All is my favorite song at the moment (ps: my favorite song changes fromd day to day, sometimes from hour to hour, and other times from week to week; very unpredictable.) Anyways, the new contempory version is so amazing and I love the way Kristian Stanfill does it, SOoo amazing.

I know you have heard the news already about the bass player (Sean) and the drumming lessons which is awesome, but I really feel this band is pulling together and is starting to go somewhere. I am excited but leaving things in God's hands.

