Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oh the Joy of Being Humbled....

Hey Hey Hey!!! It's Beth. Again. :P
Sooooo.... Soulfest starts today, and where else would a guitar/music/rock minded almost 16 year old girl be? Ok, ok, so I'm playing field hockey tonight.... :P
But for the rest of the week.... I'm gonna be jammin'.... sadly, my faves won't be there, like BarlowGirl and Bethany Dillon :( But Fireflight WILL be there on Saturday, so I'm in excitement mod :D
Besides the point. So we had our youth Sunday last Sunday.... I played guitar and sang, Zoe sang and did piano.... it was cool. And our music director even let me start a song!!! I must be growing in the fine art of guitar playing. Makes me even more happy. :)
But you gotta love when God humbles you... so I've joked about dropping my guitar pick during a song (cuz I sweat like a guy..... even my hands in a small and hot church) annnnnnnnd.......
Yep. I dropped it. So the first thing I thought was, "OH MY GOSH!!!!! I'm ruining the song.... slowly grab it... make it look natural..... slooooooowly....."
Surprisingly, when I asked everyone afterwards if they noticed anything go wrong, they all didn't notice. God thing!!!!! :P
And I'm hoping to get2gether with Kristin Brown on Sunday... for either a partial Destination: Paradise gathering for Youth Night, or just me..... we will see... (no rhyming intended)
Annnd, my mom is home! Cool. (sorry.... random....)
See some of you at Soulfest for a INCREDIBLE TIME!!!!!



Stay strong, rock on!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A New Direction

Hi! It's Beth again..... :)
The title of today's post is also the title of Zoe's song. We have been working very hard on it and it sounds.... INCREDIBLE (not that I am biased, lol) Our style is starting to become noticeable.... harmonizing, with an pop/rock/acoustic sound..... it's cool! :D As Zoe mentioned in the previous post, our voices are really blending nicely, and we are having so much fun picking up harmonies and different voice parts.
But anyways.... we had our voice and piano recital yesterday evening.... Zoe played and sang a song she wrote and it sounded great. I sang last in the program but God kept me from having any jitters (thank you!) :D
And I got to talk to Kristen Brown.... who mentioned a youth night at Calvary Bible Church... and having the opportunity to play some songs, original and others. It would be more than just piano and acoustic guitar! And we would have drums! Yahooo! This is very exciting to me... but everything is exciting to me :P
And back @ Zoe's and my church, things are going great. (In terms of youth sunday prep, I mean) I still have these moments when I question how far I can go.... when I want to say, "What if I look silly? I've only been playing for 1 1/2, maybe 2 years... what if I dissapoint people because they think I'm something amazing...."
But I'm going to let God do whatever He is planning on. He'll do it anyway :P
So it is very possible that soon the world will hear a small sample of Destination: Paradise!
God willing. :)

stay strong, rock on!



Sunday, July 19, 2009

New News

Hey everyone guess what? Someone other than Beth is writing something on our blog. lol
anyways I just had an awesome week at camp and was totally on a spiritual high if you know
what I mean; it was amazing. Anyways I think that I have definitely gotten better and more improved in my piano playing since the last time I wrote on the blog. Beth and I have written some knew songs and Christa is helping. We had a band get together today and totally rocked out and
I think that our voices are really meshing together really well. Well we are actually about to eat some pizza so;

love God, live life, and have fun

peace out

Friday, July 17, 2009

How Did I Get Here One More Time?

Hey cool people reading this blog..... *winks, because you ARE cool if you are reading this blog*
It is Beth, the offical Destination: Paradise spokesperson. (hold the applause...... or laughter...)
So here I come again, talking about something from the Bible, or something awesome that has happened..... nope. Not this time. Because the truth is.... not everything is going to be awesome. I figured that one out 3 years ago, when Destination: Paradise was nothing more than my scribbling in a History notebook. (I wonder what my mom thiks those scribbles are... :P) Anyways.
It feels like I'm climbing up out of a pit, and just when I've climbed so far and things look great....
I slide back twice as far as I've climbed. Anyone know the feeling??? Yeeeaaah..... isn't it fun? *sarcasm here folks*
So I've been thinking. I had a little conversation with God about this subject. Here's how it went:

Me: God, this is my dream!!! I want to be in a band for you.... but we don't have any real equipment, and because of that, we can't practice, and I feel like there is nothing left to write about, and I've got college scouts talking about field hockey, and-

God: Trust me.

Me: Yeah, but everyone's telling me I can't be so sure, that I should think about other stuff, how do you practice to be in a band when your bandmates live 25min. on either side of you, and you've got high school and PSATs-

God: Trust Me.

Me: But I don't-

God: Trust me. I have the perfect future for you. It doesn't matter what anyone says, or what you do. If you live in me, you will live the perfect life.

Me: Okay. How do I know I'm..... oooh. Okay. So I don't have to worry about not being able to practice?

God: Nope.

Me: Or field hockey, or gas prices?

God: Nope. Nothing will stop the plan I have for you coming true.

Me: How do I know I'm following the right path?

God: Trust me.

Sooooo...... as you can see, this issue is still on my mind. What, I go up to people and say, "I'm in a band!!!" (But we don't practice, have no equipment.... and etc, etc....)
Then they say, "What are you talking about girl??"

I don't know God's perfect plan for me, or our little group. But whatever it is, I know it is a good one.

Stay strong, rock on!



Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pray 4 Us: Psalm 55:22

Heyy ya'll (no, I'm not Southern...)
Wanted to give a little update for everyone. We have felt the calling of God to be in His ministry of music, but we cannot say when exactly our music will be ready for listening. That's because we don't know. So, long story cut short, pray for us. We only want to seek out God's guidance and have his will be done in our lives, because any life lived in Jesus, is the only life we want to live. We have had requests to play at some places, but right now.... just pray. it is the most powerful weapon God has given us. Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." Because as far as we've come, HE can take us farther. HE is in complete control and all that we are today we would never be had HE not lifted us onto HIS shoulders. I thank God for each of you reading this, that you took notice of just some normal and flawed girls, trying to live for the Most Holy One. That you care enough to pray for us, that GOD'S WILL BE DONE.
Anyways, I was in a ranting mood, so there you have it. *smiles and blushes*
Oooooh! By the way, we have a possible drummer! I say possible, because I want Zoe to our drummer, but if she sticks with keyboard cause she is SO talented at that..... this kiddo would be my next choice. But we'll see. (Hint: everyone reading this knows her..... mhwahahah!!) *giggles*

Luv the guitar girl,


rock on!!!
