It's that time of year again. The shoppers are flying back and forth between the mall and home just about as fast as the snow flies to the ground. But in the midst of all the seasonal excitement, don't forget to remember the reason for the season.
This year, the "Christmas Chaos" as I fondly call it, has taken a bit of a different direction. I have been given so much.... it is hard to describe. This Christmas, God has given me a new guitar, a new amp, a new case, AND a new cable to boot. How do you humanly respond to something like this??? The gift is so... incredible. And you sincerely know you can't repay in any way. My response is a prayer. When I come across something so incredible, so... deep that you cannot give an equal payment, all I can say is this: "God you gave this to me.... take it once again, and through this may your name be lifted higher. Take this guitar, may every song ever played, written or thought up on it be for YOUR GLORY."
Another blessing is that we have finally gotten a video clip up on facebook! You can actually hear one of our originals!!! Please comment, tell us what you think!
Some amazing things are happening.
I pray that this season finds you so moved by the majesty. :)
Stay strong, ROCK on!
Beth xoxoxoxox
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Alright, so you've already heard about Youth Night by Beth. Guess I can't report that, now, can I?
I will report, however, that yesterday and the day before Zoe and I were given a chance to work on my new song entitled "One Day"'s more of a Chris Tomlin-style piece but I, for one, love it! It's coming along well, and we were able to do a rough recording on her computer (yes, we're working on getting cables and all the fun stuff we need to be able to actually have a decent recording to work with)... This song is complete with violin (yes!) and Zoe has some sweet piano stuff going on that she's been itching to have for a while now. I'm just thinking that we need guitar! (Yes, I'm thinking of having acoustic...gosh Beth's gonna kill me..)
Aside from this song, I've started writing another song that's the totally opposite style. I know, I much? I figure, what with this new, uncharted territory of song-writing, I'd better please everyone.
Just figuring out the song with Zoe yesterday and the night before, I could really feel like we were doing something right, like it was actually going to all work out and everything. I love it when that happens. I could feel God at work in that song. The day before, when I was writing the lyrics, when I needed a phrase, it took me all of two seconds to figure something out, like someone was whispering into my ear that those were the words I was supposed to use, as if it was clear that that was the only way it was supposed to be.
God certainly has blessed us all. If I look at our band a while ago, we were just a few kids with a far-off dream. But now it seems as if that dream isn't really all that far off. The only way we have been able to accomplish all that we have is indeed through our one and only savior, and we know that. We cannot be so prideful as to claim God's works as our own. My violin was a miracle. Zoe's ability to be able to take drum lessons was a wonderful opportunity. Beth's new guitar and amp is a wonderful thing as well. Though all these things are wonderful, we cannot forget that it was God who made it all possible. Pride is never a good thing, no matter what form.
"But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God, and entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense." -2 Chronicles 26:16
We are very grateful to God and his blessings, and through this Christmas season, we remember all he has done.
God bless <><
~Christa B
I will report, however, that yesterday and the day before Zoe and I were given a chance to work on my new song entitled "One Day"'s more of a Chris Tomlin-style piece but I, for one, love it! It's coming along well, and we were able to do a rough recording on her computer (yes, we're working on getting cables and all the fun stuff we need to be able to actually have a decent recording to work with)... This song is complete with violin (yes!) and Zoe has some sweet piano stuff going on that she's been itching to have for a while now. I'm just thinking that we need guitar! (Yes, I'm thinking of having acoustic...gosh Beth's gonna kill me..)
Aside from this song, I've started writing another song that's the totally opposite style. I know, I much? I figure, what with this new, uncharted territory of song-writing, I'd better please everyone.
Just figuring out the song with Zoe yesterday and the night before, I could really feel like we were doing something right, like it was actually going to all work out and everything. I love it when that happens. I could feel God at work in that song. The day before, when I was writing the lyrics, when I needed a phrase, it took me all of two seconds to figure something out, like someone was whispering into my ear that those were the words I was supposed to use, as if it was clear that that was the only way it was supposed to be.
God certainly has blessed us all. If I look at our band a while ago, we were just a few kids with a far-off dream. But now it seems as if that dream isn't really all that far off. The only way we have been able to accomplish all that we have is indeed through our one and only savior, and we know that. We cannot be so prideful as to claim God's works as our own. My violin was a miracle. Zoe's ability to be able to take drum lessons was a wonderful opportunity. Beth's new guitar and amp is a wonderful thing as well. Though all these things are wonderful, we cannot forget that it was God who made it all possible. Pride is never a good thing, no matter what form.
"But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God, and entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense." -2 Chronicles 26:16
We are very grateful to God and his blessings, and through this Christmas season, we remember all he has done.
God bless <><
~Christa B
Sunday, November 29, 2009
My Heart's Marked Classified
So. long. time. no. see. After the last month has past, I've had some time to reflect and think, pray and praise, watch and see God's hand at work. I have to say, as time goes on, I am more and more determined to follow God where ever he leads. He is slowly taking away my pride until all that is left is my stripped down spirit, crying out for the love only he can give. So. We've been given the opportunity to play at Youth Night CBC again. Another cooool song is in the making. Kinda.... Paramorish. Definitely rockstar material. *wink* *wink*
So very awesome, stay tuned and tell your friends! Destination: Paradise is always ready to share our story and music with you guys!
Stay strong, ROCK on!
So very awesome, stay tuned and tell your friends! Destination: Paradise is always ready to share our story and music with you guys!
Stay strong, ROCK on!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Who's in Charge Anyways?
Two posts in the period of like.... two days! Record!!! Give me a prize... haha.
So WHO IS IN CHARGE? And in charge of what you may be asking? Well... everything that has been happening. From our first song to our first show, who should be given credit? Don't give it to us. Fact is, there is little we could take credit for anyways. Who else besides God could have so perfectly orchestrated every tiny detail of this undertaking for the last 2 or so years? He knew of our impatience before it would come, he knew of the struggles, the tears and the successes. He also knew of the failures we would face, the way some would receive us, the way we would so often stumble away from his plans. We know that because we aren't highly experienced musicians, we will be made fun of. We have been already. We've been disrespected and gotten such strange looks. Like, HELLO? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! That's the typical response, right? But we have also been blessed with such great friends along the way, trusting in us and teaching us. But we aren't even certain what he will do through us. What excitement and joy would we have if our life's greatest moments were alll known ahead of time??? All we know is HE IS IN CHARGE. He is planning the most incredible things for us, we only need to surrender our lives to him completely, and he will work through us. I have no doubts. The same God who has been credited with the amazing and impossible.... this is the God I serve. And yes, I am glad he is in charge.
30 followers! Keep it up! :D
Stay strong, rock on.
So WHO IS IN CHARGE? And in charge of what you may be asking? Well... everything that has been happening. From our first song to our first show, who should be given credit? Don't give it to us. Fact is, there is little we could take credit for anyways. Who else besides God could have so perfectly orchestrated every tiny detail of this undertaking for the last 2 or so years? He knew of our impatience before it would come, he knew of the struggles, the tears and the successes. He also knew of the failures we would face, the way some would receive us, the way we would so often stumble away from his plans. We know that because we aren't highly experienced musicians, we will be made fun of. We have been already. We've been disrespected and gotten such strange looks. Like, HELLO? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! That's the typical response, right? But we have also been blessed with such great friends along the way, trusting in us and teaching us. But we aren't even certain what he will do through us. What excitement and joy would we have if our life's greatest moments were alll known ahead of time??? All we know is HE IS IN CHARGE. He is planning the most incredible things for us, we only need to surrender our lives to him completely, and he will work through us. I have no doubts. The same God who has been credited with the amazing and impossible.... this is the God I serve. And yes, I am glad he is in charge.
30 followers! Keep it up! :D
Stay strong, rock on.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Have you ever come across an old song that you just looked past one time and then a while later you are like "This is the BEST song in the world!!" yes, well I just had one of those moments. The song Jesus Paid It All is my favorite song at the moment (ps: my favorite song changes fromd day to day, sometimes from hour to hour, and other times from week to week; very unpredictable.) Anyways, the new contempory version is so amazing and I love the way Kristian Stanfill does it, SOoo amazing.
I know you have heard the news already about the bass player (Sean) and the drumming lessons which is awesome, but I really feel this band is pulling together and is starting to go somewhere. I am excited but leaving things in God's hands.
I know you have heard the news already about the bass player (Sean) and the drumming lessons which is awesome, but I really feel this band is pulling together and is starting to go somewhere. I am excited but leaving things in God's hands.
Are You Crazy?!? (Well Yes, Yes I Am....)
Strange.... usually I'm the one posting all the time.... haha. But anyways, thanks to Christa, our tech/artist, we are now on facebook! Check it out! Pretty sweet. And, we are proud to say we are planning to start having regular practices, probably at Zoe's.....
But you know alll that. Well, as things are coming together, I am seeing with new eyes. Just from my bedroom to the stage at CBC seems such a long journey.... and I know we aren't done yet. We're out in a cruel and judgmental world, but we are strongly relying on God to show us what to do. We've only come this far because of him. I take no credit. Our sound is still coming, but we have made a demo of our single.... though crudely made, it is about as precious to us as anything! The way this has all happened, the smallest things leave us begging for more, just a little more insight into God's plans. But I feel we are doing the right thing.
There is a saying, "you can't walk on water if you don't get out of the boat". Well, we've decided to step on the waves. Yes, our hearts are pounding, the possibliity of being dragged under the waves has never been far from our thoughts. The pressure of what others will think. .The pressure to compete. But God is slowly showing me we are doing this for him.... and no one else matters. No record label, no competing band can take away the way we feel about Him, the way He is leading us to the perfect place. And I now know that even when the fear of slipping under is so real it hurts, God is more in control. I've tried driving down this road by myself, but now, I've handed him the wheel. And I know He's a better driver than me.
Thanks to everyone supporting us! 23 followers in less than 24 hours! Whoo-hoo!!!
Stay strong, rock on.
But you know alll that. Well, as things are coming together, I am seeing with new eyes. Just from my bedroom to the stage at CBC seems such a long journey.... and I know we aren't done yet. We're out in a cruel and judgmental world, but we are strongly relying on God to show us what to do. We've only come this far because of him. I take no credit. Our sound is still coming, but we have made a demo of our single.... though crudely made, it is about as precious to us as anything! The way this has all happened, the smallest things leave us begging for more, just a little more insight into God's plans. But I feel we are doing the right thing.
There is a saying, "you can't walk on water if you don't get out of the boat". Well, we've decided to step on the waves. Yes, our hearts are pounding, the possibliity of being dragged under the waves has never been far from our thoughts. The pressure of what others will think. .The pressure to compete. But God is slowly showing me we are doing this for him.... and no one else matters. No record label, no competing band can take away the way we feel about Him, the way He is leading us to the perfect place. And I now know that even when the fear of slipping under is so real it hurts, God is more in control. I've tried driving down this road by myself, but now, I've handed him the wheel. And I know He's a better driver than me.
Thanks to everyone supporting us! 23 followers in less than 24 hours! Whoo-hoo!!!
Stay strong, rock on.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
More and more exciting news!
Hello all! Christa here!
I come with some really great news! Zoë has decided that it is high time for her to start taking up....(drum roll, please) none other than....DRUM LESSONS! Yes, that's right! Our non-drumming drummer might live up to her title once and for all! ;) I was excited when she gave me a ring last night and told me this amazing news! She's going to be taking it once a week, I believe with CBC's drummer, Kristin. So, here's hoping for the best!
Annnnnnnd, to add to this excited news, here's another tid-bit of awesome information Zoë dropped off to me last night... (another drum roll, please).... we might actually have a bass player!!! Yes, yes! Someone who actually knows HOW to play it, and who has one! Exciting, no? This young man that she's talked about goes to her old school, is a Christian, and is not currently in a band. AND, going by Zo's opinion, he's very excited about playing with us.. (he was like asking what time our practices were, etc., so therefore Zoë decided it would be a good idea to actually MAKE a scheduled practice time once a week. Right now we're thinking Sundays after church, possibly) I practically screamed her eardrums off when I heard the news!
AND to add to all this excitement going around, I have started a design for a CD cover. Are we ready to see it? Alright, here it is!

^Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized image^
I hope that you like it! Of course, it's a ways from being done. That long blue rectangle floating around up there is going to be where the album title rests. Obviously, we do not have an album title as of yet.
Hmm. What else...oh, right! I do not believe I have recorded my most recent musical news on here..I have decided not to go after the bass guitar, and rather pick up the violin! A few months back, a guy at our church told my dad that he had an old violin body just collecting dust up in his attic, and asked if I wanted it (because my dad had told him that I had been wanting to play one for a while). So that afternoon we drove over and picked her up. She's an unusual color, what's called a "blond" violin. She is not the common deep brown, but rather a lighter tan-ish color. Her name is Ivy, by the way. So me and my father went out on the endeavor of attempting to build everything else she needed. We glued the fingerboard on her (which ended up sliding too far up), we have the bridge whittled and resting on it, chin rest, tailpiece, pegs, bow, and strings. The only problem we've encountered is the bass string breaking. So that's what we have to fix next! But, yes, Ivy is almost finished! Needless to say, I so cannot wait until she's done!
Here's some scripture that I came upon today, and thought you might want me to share it with you:
"Extortion turns a wise man into a fool,
and a bribe corrupts the heart.
I come with some really great news! Zoë has decided that it is high time for her to start taking up....(drum roll, please) none other than....DRUM LESSONS! Yes, that's right! Our non-drumming drummer might live up to her title once and for all! ;) I was excited when she gave me a ring last night and told me this amazing news! She's going to be taking it once a week, I believe with CBC's drummer, Kristin. So, here's hoping for the best!
Annnnnnnd, to add to this excited news, here's another tid-bit of awesome information Zoë dropped off to me last night... (another drum roll, please).... we might actually have a bass player!!! Yes, yes! Someone who actually knows HOW to play it, and who has one! Exciting, no? This young man that she's talked about goes to her old school, is a Christian, and is not currently in a band. AND, going by Zo's opinion, he's very excited about playing with us.. (he was like asking what time our practices were, etc., so therefore Zoë decided it would be a good idea to actually MAKE a scheduled practice time once a week. Right now we're thinking Sundays after church, possibly) I practically screamed her eardrums off when I heard the news!
AND to add to all this excitement going around, I have started a design for a CD cover. Are we ready to see it? Alright, here it is!
^Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized image^
I hope that you like it! Of course, it's a ways from being done. That long blue rectangle floating around up there is going to be where the album title rests. Obviously, we do not have an album title as of yet.
Hmm. What else...oh, right! I do not believe I have recorded my most recent musical news on here..I have decided not to go after the bass guitar, and rather pick up the violin! A few months back, a guy at our church told my dad that he had an old violin body just collecting dust up in his attic, and asked if I wanted it (because my dad had told him that I had been wanting to play one for a while). So that afternoon we drove over and picked her up. She's an unusual color, what's called a "blond" violin. She is not the common deep brown, but rather a lighter tan-ish color. Her name is Ivy, by the way. So me and my father went out on the endeavor of attempting to build everything else she needed. We glued the fingerboard on her (which ended up sliding too far up), we have the bridge whittled and resting on it, chin rest, tailpiece, pegs, bow, and strings. The only problem we've encountered is the bass string breaking. So that's what we have to fix next! But, yes, Ivy is almost finished! Needless to say, I so cannot wait until she's done!
Here's some scripture that I came upon today, and thought you might want me to share it with you:
"Extortion turns a wise man into a fool,
and a bribe corrupts the heart.
The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
and patience is better than pride.
Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,
for anger resides in the lap of fools."
(Ecclesiastes 7:7-9)
I think we all tend to be prideful in one situation or another; it's only human. We also tend to be quick to react and anger in different instances. But if we take our Father's example, and be slow to anger, and slow to react, we would be much better off.
God bless your day!
-Christa B. <><
Monday, October 5, 2009
Worship Team and Conference
What's up everyone, sorry I haven't written in a while. I have recently joined the worship team at EBC (Evangelical Baptist Church) and it has been pretty awesome so far. I have had struggles and all but that's expected. For the most part it has been a really awesome experience and I have really grown in my ability to play with others a lot.
Although I love playing with the band there are some struggles that come along with that, that I had to adjust to. The other members of the band have been playing together for a long time and for me to come in and start playing with them was rather difficult because I had to get used to the worship leader's technique and everything and also get used to making a lot of changes within the songs which I was not really used to, but other than those things it has been going well.
The purpose of this band is to worship God and that is the only purpose we strive for. Worshiping God doesn't just deal with music though. Worship is a lifestyle, a way of living as we strive for an intimate relationship with God. Through that relationship and his passion and love and glory shining through us we are able to express that to others. I was once told that when a you bow a violin string, strings on violins near by resonate. If we let him, God with be the musician and bow our strings and then we will make the other people resonate.
Although I love playing with the band there are some struggles that come along with that, that I had to adjust to. The other members of the band have been playing together for a long time and for me to come in and start playing with them was rather difficult because I had to get used to the worship leader's technique and everything and also get used to making a lot of changes within the songs which I was not really used to, but other than those things it has been going well.
The purpose of this band is to worship God and that is the only purpose we strive for. Worshiping God doesn't just deal with music though. Worship is a lifestyle, a way of living as we strive for an intimate relationship with God. Through that relationship and his passion and love and glory shining through us we are able to express that to others. I was once told that when a you bow a violin string, strings on violins near by resonate. If we let him, God with be the musician and bow our strings and then we will make the other people resonate.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Rockin' the House
Hey.... just cuz Christa came back doesn't mean you'd get rid of me!!!! LOL, somebody, please laugh.... :P
Annnnnyway. It's Beth. *tee hee* In case you haven't figured that out by now. So I want to send a BIG THANK YOU to the 3 guys who helped us last night.... you are all amazing and talented. (Don't know what 3 guys I am talking about? Please direct your attention to Christa's most recent post, then continue from here.... lol) And honestly, to hear what I plan out in my head come to life like that is soooo awesome. Plus I love having drums. Yes, drums are so wonderful to have. And another guitarist, one you can just take off on a solo like that, so we can still get the nice fat sound of the chords continuing, but have a face melting lead guitar in there.... gotta have that. :) And last but not least, a bass.... cuz what's a band without a bass may I ask??? You have to have that rhythm pounding away back there. Gotta gotta. :)
Josh (our sound guy...... another person that Destination: Paradise is absolutely depending on) recorded the song Freefall for us.... and it sounds awesome but for the vocals. Why?
1) Due to our extreme rocking of the house, it was basically impossible to turn up the mics without getting a lot of feedback. A lot. So the mics were very very very quiet. This will change though.... we just have to rock quietly. Sheesh. :P
2) Because the mics were quiet and the guitars and bass and drums were so loud, Christa and I couldn't hear ourselves. Nope. Nada. So we winged it. And poor Christa did pretty well. Well.... let's just say we can't wait to hear ourselves next time we play :)
But besides that..... GOD IS INCREDIBLE. No kidding. He is moving in ways I don't understand, just when I feel like throwing in the towel, cuz someone makes me feel like I'm not good enough, cuz someone makes me feel like I'm chasing dreams, for any reason, it is like I can hear him whispering, "Hold on a little bit longer.... I have such a beautiful and perfect plan for you if you can trust me. So what if you can't hear yourself, and it may sound terrible, it may sound repetitive or 'not cool'..... but if you are playing for me and living for me, I will make your lives into such beautiful things." And now this!!! Playing an original in front of (who knows?) 70 to 80 people..... God will always be the source of great things. And I'm only beginning to see that.
Stay strong, rock on!!!
Annnnnyway. It's Beth. *tee hee* In case you haven't figured that out by now. So I want to send a BIG THANK YOU to the 3 guys who helped us last night.... you are all amazing and talented. (Don't know what 3 guys I am talking about? Please direct your attention to Christa's most recent post, then continue from here.... lol) And honestly, to hear what I plan out in my head come to life like that is soooo awesome. Plus I love having drums. Yes, drums are so wonderful to have. And another guitarist, one you can just take off on a solo like that, so we can still get the nice fat sound of the chords continuing, but have a face melting lead guitar in there.... gotta have that. :) And last but not least, a bass.... cuz what's a band without a bass may I ask??? You have to have that rhythm pounding away back there. Gotta gotta. :)
Josh (our sound guy...... another person that Destination: Paradise is absolutely depending on) recorded the song Freefall for us.... and it sounds awesome but for the vocals. Why?
1) Due to our extreme rocking of the house, it was basically impossible to turn up the mics without getting a lot of feedback. A lot. So the mics were very very very quiet. This will change though.... we just have to rock quietly. Sheesh. :P
2) Because the mics were quiet and the guitars and bass and drums were so loud, Christa and I couldn't hear ourselves. Nope. Nada. So we winged it. And poor Christa did pretty well. Well.... let's just say we can't wait to hear ourselves next time we play :)
But besides that..... GOD IS INCREDIBLE. No kidding. He is moving in ways I don't understand, just when I feel like throwing in the towel, cuz someone makes me feel like I'm not good enough, cuz someone makes me feel like I'm chasing dreams, for any reason, it is like I can hear him whispering, "Hold on a little bit longer.... I have such a beautiful and perfect plan for you if you can trust me. So what if you can't hear yourself, and it may sound terrible, it may sound repetitive or 'not cool'..... but if you are playing for me and living for me, I will make your lives into such beautiful things." And now this!!! Playing an original in front of (who knows?) 70 to 80 people..... God will always be the source of great things. And I'm only beginning to see that.
Stay strong, rock on!!!
Destination: Paradise is coming to Meredith!
Hey!! It's me, Christa!! (I know, finally.. I thought you guys might have gotten a little sick of Beth after forever. Haha I kid..)
So anyways, yesterday Beth and I got the amazing opportunity to sing with 3 awesome guys - Jack Cornwell on the drums, Ethan Goddard on the lead guitar, and Kevin Ashley on the bass. (practicing for CBC's youth night) But it was so awesome and loud and the guys are just totally awesome and made our song like 50 times better.. I had never sung on stage with everything blaring like that, and let me tell you it was the coolest thing ever. But it also made me realize that we really need more people in our band and we can't really pull it off with just us 3.. not that we're not good enough or anything, it's just that we don't really know how to work the instruments and everything yet. Speaking of which, I'm hopefully going to the used fret shop in Meredith soon to get me a bass!! Woot!!! Because, as everyone knows, a band isn't a band without a bass. It's just boring. So I totally can't wait to get one and start learning! Sometimes I wish that I could just pick something up and already be an expert at it. But that's not how it works. Sadly. (Patience, patience...)
Lately I've had an urge to really get into this whole music thing. It's just so hard, though, because I want to know if it's ever going to go anywhere. But that's not how God works, as we all have been learning! So we will just have to "wait upon the LORD" no matter how hard it might be!!
But something that made me excited (and I'm sure made Beth excited, too) was that Josh Brown (the sound guy) made us a CD of the song we did yesterday (which, by the way, was Freefall) and so we now have our first demo!! Yayyy!! :D And I sent it off to Zoe (she couldn't be here, sadly, because she's in Colorado - so jealous) and she listened to it and now wishes she could be here for Thursday. But, you know, a person can't do everything!
So anyways, I was able to go to Soulfest 2009 (my first time going) and it was totally amazing. The scenery and everything was beautiful and knowing that our Creator is the one who made it all is just an awe-inspiring thought. How could someone not praise Him for who He continues to be? He is truly an awesome God. "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." (Ecclesiates 3:11) We can rest assured knowing that God has a plan for us, and that He will take care of our future, that we need not worry about what tomorrow will bring.
God Bless!
So anyways, yesterday Beth and I got the amazing opportunity to sing with 3 awesome guys - Jack Cornwell on the drums, Ethan Goddard on the lead guitar, and Kevin Ashley on the bass. (practicing for CBC's youth night) But it was so awesome and loud and the guys are just totally awesome and made our song like 50 times better.. I had never sung on stage with everything blaring like that, and let me tell you it was the coolest thing ever. But it also made me realize that we really need more people in our band and we can't really pull it off with just us 3.. not that we're not good enough or anything, it's just that we don't really know how to work the instruments and everything yet. Speaking of which, I'm hopefully going to the used fret shop in Meredith soon to get me a bass!! Woot!!! Because, as everyone knows, a band isn't a band without a bass. It's just boring. So I totally can't wait to get one and start learning! Sometimes I wish that I could just pick something up and already be an expert at it. But that's not how it works. Sadly. (Patience, patience...)
Lately I've had an urge to really get into this whole music thing. It's just so hard, though, because I want to know if it's ever going to go anywhere. But that's not how God works, as we all have been learning! So we will just have to "wait upon the LORD" no matter how hard it might be!!
But something that made me excited (and I'm sure made Beth excited, too) was that Josh Brown (the sound guy) made us a CD of the song we did yesterday (which, by the way, was Freefall) and so we now have our first demo!! Yayyy!! :D And I sent it off to Zoe (she couldn't be here, sadly, because she's in Colorado - so jealous) and she listened to it and now wishes she could be here for Thursday. But, you know, a person can't do everything!
So anyways, I was able to go to Soulfest 2009 (my first time going) and it was totally amazing. The scenery and everything was beautiful and knowing that our Creator is the one who made it all is just an awe-inspiring thought. How could someone not praise Him for who He continues to be? He is truly an awesome God. "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." (Ecclesiates 3:11) We can rest assured knowing that God has a plan for us, and that He will take care of our future, that we need not worry about what tomorrow will bring.
God Bless!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Oh the Joy of Being Humbled....
Hey Hey Hey!!! It's Beth. Again. :P
Sooooo.... Soulfest starts today, and where else would a guitar/music/rock minded almost 16 year old girl be? Ok, ok, so I'm playing field hockey tonight.... :P
But for the rest of the week.... I'm gonna be jammin'.... sadly, my faves won't be there, like BarlowGirl and Bethany Dillon :( But Fireflight WILL be there on Saturday, so I'm in excitement mod :D
Besides the point. So we had our youth Sunday last Sunday.... I played guitar and sang, Zoe sang and did piano.... it was cool. And our music director even let me start a song!!! I must be growing in the fine art of guitar playing. Makes me even more happy. :)
But you gotta love when God humbles you... so I've joked about dropping my guitar pick during a song (cuz I sweat like a guy..... even my hands in a small and hot church) annnnnnnnd.......
Yep. I dropped it. So the first thing I thought was, "OH MY GOSH!!!!! I'm ruining the song.... slowly grab it... make it look natural..... slooooooowly....."
Surprisingly, when I asked everyone afterwards if they noticed anything go wrong, they all didn't notice. God thing!!!!! :P
And I'm hoping to get2gether with Kristin Brown on Sunday... for either a partial Destination: Paradise gathering for Youth Night, or just me..... we will see... (no rhyming intended)
Annnd, my mom is home! Cool. (sorry.... random....)
See some of you at Soulfest for a INCREDIBLE TIME!!!!!
Stay strong, rock on!
Sooooo.... Soulfest starts today, and where else would a guitar/music/rock minded almost 16 year old girl be? Ok, ok, so I'm playing field hockey tonight.... :P
But for the rest of the week.... I'm gonna be jammin'.... sadly, my faves won't be there, like BarlowGirl and Bethany Dillon :( But Fireflight WILL be there on Saturday, so I'm in excitement mod :D
Besides the point. So we had our youth Sunday last Sunday.... I played guitar and sang, Zoe sang and did piano.... it was cool. And our music director even let me start a song!!! I must be growing in the fine art of guitar playing. Makes me even more happy. :)
But you gotta love when God humbles you... so I've joked about dropping my guitar pick during a song (cuz I sweat like a guy..... even my hands in a small and hot church) annnnnnnnd.......
Yep. I dropped it. So the first thing I thought was, "OH MY GOSH!!!!! I'm ruining the song.... slowly grab it... make it look natural..... slooooooowly....."
Surprisingly, when I asked everyone afterwards if they noticed anything go wrong, they all didn't notice. God thing!!!!! :P
And I'm hoping to get2gether with Kristin Brown on Sunday... for either a partial Destination: Paradise gathering for Youth Night, or just me..... we will see... (no rhyming intended)
Annnd, my mom is home! Cool. (sorry.... random....)
See some of you at Soulfest for a INCREDIBLE TIME!!!!!
Stay strong, rock on!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A New Direction
Hi! It's Beth again..... :)
The title of today's post is also the title of Zoe's song. We have been working very hard on it and it sounds.... INCREDIBLE (not that I am biased, lol) Our style is starting to become noticeable.... harmonizing, with an pop/rock/acoustic sound..... it's cool! :D As Zoe mentioned in the previous post, our voices are really blending nicely, and we are having so much fun picking up harmonies and different voice parts.
But anyways.... we had our voice and piano recital yesterday evening.... Zoe played and sang a song she wrote and it sounded great. I sang last in the program but God kept me from having any jitters (thank you!) :D
And I got to talk to Kristen Brown.... who mentioned a youth night at Calvary Bible Church... and having the opportunity to play some songs, original and others. It would be more than just piano and acoustic guitar! And we would have drums! Yahooo! This is very exciting to me... but everything is exciting to me :P
And back @ Zoe's and my church, things are going great. (In terms of youth sunday prep, I mean) I still have these moments when I question how far I can go.... when I want to say, "What if I look silly? I've only been playing for 1 1/2, maybe 2 years... what if I dissapoint people because they think I'm something amazing...."
But I'm going to let God do whatever He is planning on. He'll do it anyway :P
So it is very possible that soon the world will hear a small sample of Destination: Paradise!
God willing. :)
stay strong, rock on!
The title of today's post is also the title of Zoe's song. We have been working very hard on it and it sounds.... INCREDIBLE (not that I am biased, lol) Our style is starting to become noticeable.... harmonizing, with an pop/rock/acoustic sound..... it's cool! :D As Zoe mentioned in the previous post, our voices are really blending nicely, and we are having so much fun picking up harmonies and different voice parts.
But anyways.... we had our voice and piano recital yesterday evening.... Zoe played and sang a song she wrote and it sounded great. I sang last in the program but God kept me from having any jitters (thank you!) :D
And I got to talk to Kristen Brown.... who mentioned a youth night at Calvary Bible Church... and having the opportunity to play some songs, original and others. It would be more than just piano and acoustic guitar! And we would have drums! Yahooo! This is very exciting to me... but everything is exciting to me :P
And back @ Zoe's and my church, things are going great. (In terms of youth sunday prep, I mean) I still have these moments when I question how far I can go.... when I want to say, "What if I look silly? I've only been playing for 1 1/2, maybe 2 years... what if I dissapoint people because they think I'm something amazing...."
But I'm going to let God do whatever He is planning on. He'll do it anyway :P
So it is very possible that soon the world will hear a small sample of Destination: Paradise!
God willing. :)
stay strong, rock on!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
New News
Hey everyone guess what? Someone other than Beth is writing something on our blog. lol
anyways I just had an awesome week at camp and was totally on a spiritual high if you know
what I mean; it was amazing. Anyways I think that I have definitely gotten better and more improved in my piano playing since the last time I wrote on the blog. Beth and I have written some knew songs and Christa is helping. We had a band get together today and totally rocked out and
I think that our voices are really meshing together really well. Well we are actually about to eat some pizza so;
love God, live life, and have fun
peace out
anyways I just had an awesome week at camp and was totally on a spiritual high if you know
what I mean; it was amazing. Anyways I think that I have definitely gotten better and more improved in my piano playing since the last time I wrote on the blog. Beth and I have written some knew songs and Christa is helping. We had a band get together today and totally rocked out and
I think that our voices are really meshing together really well. Well we are actually about to eat some pizza so;
love God, live life, and have fun
peace out
Friday, July 17, 2009
How Did I Get Here One More Time?
Hey cool people reading this blog..... *winks, because you ARE cool if you are reading this blog*
It is Beth, the offical Destination: Paradise spokesperson. (hold the applause...... or laughter...)
So here I come again, talking about something from the Bible, or something awesome that has happened..... nope. Not this time. Because the truth is.... not everything is going to be awesome. I figured that one out 3 years ago, when Destination: Paradise was nothing more than my scribbling in a History notebook. (I wonder what my mom thiks those scribbles are... :P) Anyways.
It feels like I'm climbing up out of a pit, and just when I've climbed so far and things look great....
I slide back twice as far as I've climbed. Anyone know the feeling??? Yeeeaaah..... isn't it fun? *sarcasm here folks*
So I've been thinking. I had a little conversation with God about this subject. Here's how it went:
Me: God, this is my dream!!! I want to be in a band for you.... but we don't have any real equipment, and because of that, we can't practice, and I feel like there is nothing left to write about, and I've got college scouts talking about field hockey, and-
God: Trust me.
Me: Yeah, but everyone's telling me I can't be so sure, that I should think about other stuff, how do you practice to be in a band when your bandmates live 25min. on either side of you, and you've got high school and PSATs-
God: Trust Me.
Me: But I don't-
God: Trust me. I have the perfect future for you. It doesn't matter what anyone says, or what you do. If you live in me, you will live the perfect life.
Me: Okay. How do I know I'm..... oooh. Okay. So I don't have to worry about not being able to practice?
God: Nope.
Me: Or field hockey, or gas prices?
God: Nope. Nothing will stop the plan I have for you coming true.
Me: How do I know I'm following the right path?
God: Trust me.
Sooooo...... as you can see, this issue is still on my mind. What, I go up to people and say, "I'm in a band!!!" (But we don't practice, have no equipment.... and etc, etc....)
Then they say, "What are you talking about girl??"
I don't know God's perfect plan for me, or our little group. But whatever it is, I know it is a good one.
Stay strong, rock on!
It is Beth, the offical Destination: Paradise spokesperson. (hold the applause...... or laughter...)
So here I come again, talking about something from the Bible, or something awesome that has happened..... nope. Not this time. Because the truth is.... not everything is going to be awesome. I figured that one out 3 years ago, when Destination: Paradise was nothing more than my scribbling in a History notebook. (I wonder what my mom thiks those scribbles are... :P) Anyways.
It feels like I'm climbing up out of a pit, and just when I've climbed so far and things look great....
I slide back twice as far as I've climbed. Anyone know the feeling??? Yeeeaaah..... isn't it fun? *sarcasm here folks*
So I've been thinking. I had a little conversation with God about this subject. Here's how it went:
Me: God, this is my dream!!! I want to be in a band for you.... but we don't have any real equipment, and because of that, we can't practice, and I feel like there is nothing left to write about, and I've got college scouts talking about field hockey, and-
God: Trust me.
Me: Yeah, but everyone's telling me I can't be so sure, that I should think about other stuff, how do you practice to be in a band when your bandmates live 25min. on either side of you, and you've got high school and PSATs-
God: Trust Me.
Me: But I don't-
God: Trust me. I have the perfect future for you. It doesn't matter what anyone says, or what you do. If you live in me, you will live the perfect life.
Me: Okay. How do I know I'm..... oooh. Okay. So I don't have to worry about not being able to practice?
God: Nope.
Me: Or field hockey, or gas prices?
God: Nope. Nothing will stop the plan I have for you coming true.
Me: How do I know I'm following the right path?
God: Trust me.
Sooooo...... as you can see, this issue is still on my mind. What, I go up to people and say, "I'm in a band!!!" (But we don't practice, have no equipment.... and etc, etc....)
Then they say, "What are you talking about girl??"
I don't know God's perfect plan for me, or our little group. But whatever it is, I know it is a good one.
Stay strong, rock on!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Pray 4 Us: Psalm 55:22
Heyy ya'll (no, I'm not Southern...)
Wanted to give a little update for everyone. We have felt the calling of God to be in His ministry of music, but we cannot say when exactly our music will be ready for listening. That's because we don't know. So, long story cut short, pray for us. We only want to seek out God's guidance and have his will be done in our lives, because any life lived in Jesus, is the only life we want to live. We have had requests to play at some places, but right now.... just pray. it is the most powerful weapon God has given us. Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." Because as far as we've come, HE can take us farther. HE is in complete control and all that we are today we would never be had HE not lifted us onto HIS shoulders. I thank God for each of you reading this, that you took notice of just some normal and flawed girls, trying to live for the Most Holy One. That you care enough to pray for us, that GOD'S WILL BE DONE.
Anyways, I was in a ranting mood, so there you have it. *smiles and blushes*
Oooooh! By the way, we have a possible drummer! I say possible, because I want Zoe to our drummer, but if she sticks with keyboard cause she is SO talented at that..... this kiddo would be my next choice. But we'll see. (Hint: everyone reading this knows her..... mhwahahah!!) *giggles*
Luv the guitar girl,
rock on!!!
Wanted to give a little update for everyone. We have felt the calling of God to be in His ministry of music, but we cannot say when exactly our music will be ready for listening. That's because we don't know. So, long story cut short, pray for us. We only want to seek out God's guidance and have his will be done in our lives, because any life lived in Jesus, is the only life we want to live. We have had requests to play at some places, but right now.... just pray. it is the most powerful weapon God has given us. Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." Because as far as we've come, HE can take us farther. HE is in complete control and all that we are today we would never be had HE not lifted us onto HIS shoulders. I thank God for each of you reading this, that you took notice of just some normal and flawed girls, trying to live for the Most Holy One. That you care enough to pray for us, that GOD'S WILL BE DONE.
Anyways, I was in a ranting mood, so there you have it. *smiles and blushes*
Oooooh! By the way, we have a possible drummer! I say possible, because I want Zoe to our drummer, but if she sticks with keyboard cause she is SO talented at that..... this kiddo would be my next choice. But we'll see. (Hint: everyone reading this knows her..... mhwahahah!!) *giggles*
Luv the guitar girl,
rock on!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
I lost my voice.....*squeaks*
Hey, it's Beth.... and if only you could hear me.... (or maybe, you don't want to...)
Because I am sooooo hoarse right now!!! (ugh!!!!)
Anyways, a not so funny story, Donna Lynn (Moynihan) called our house today about rescheduling my voice lessons, and no one was home but me. Soooo, I picked up the phone, and meekly tried to squeak out a "hello" but instead, I ended up sounding very much like this.....
Here's how the conversation went:
Me: Heee... *silence* heeelllo? *very squeaky mind you, hardly audible*
DLM: Beth!?!?! Is that you?!? ( How she knew it was me..... idk....)
Me: I lost my voice. I can't talk. You're gonna have to call back.
DLM: Okay, feel better. *hangs up*
I felt terrible about having to leave her hanging like that, but hey, what else could I do? I'm sure she will understand.... she's nice like that.... :D
Anyways (man do I use that word a lot.... and do I ever use these brackets too much) Zoe and I did worship team at our church for youth sunday yesterday... man was that FUN!!! I only regret Christa wasn't there.... bummer. But I played the guitar and sang, I was LOVING every second, Zoe sang and did piano..... what an incredible time of worship. Buuuut, as mentioned... I lost my voice. On sunday. Yep, just in time for the singing and all. But Dona Lynn's voice lessons came to my aid, and I struggled through all the songs, singing alto..... and now, this is what I get. Total. silence. WHATEVER!!!!! It was worth it!
Hope God is really speaking to all you out there.... no matter what way.....
Hear His voice and be amazed!
Love the guitar girl,
Squeaky Beth
rock on!!!! (even if it is silently) :p
Because I am sooooo hoarse right now!!! (ugh!!!!)
Anyways, a not so funny story, Donna Lynn (Moynihan) called our house today about rescheduling my voice lessons, and no one was home but me. Soooo, I picked up the phone, and meekly tried to squeak out a "hello" but instead, I ended up sounding very much like this.....
Here's how the conversation went:
Me: Heee... *silence* heeelllo? *very squeaky mind you, hardly audible*
DLM: Beth!?!?! Is that you?!? ( How she knew it was me..... idk....)
Me: I lost my voice. I can't talk. You're gonna have to call back.
DLM: Okay, feel better. *hangs up*
I felt terrible about having to leave her hanging like that, but hey, what else could I do? I'm sure she will understand.... she's nice like that.... :D
Anyways (man do I use that word a lot.... and do I ever use these brackets too much) Zoe and I did worship team at our church for youth sunday yesterday... man was that FUN!!! I only regret Christa wasn't there.... bummer. But I played the guitar and sang, I was LOVING every second, Zoe sang and did piano..... what an incredible time of worship. Buuuut, as mentioned... I lost my voice. On sunday. Yep, just in time for the singing and all. But Dona Lynn's voice lessons came to my aid, and I struggled through all the songs, singing alto..... and now, this is what I get. Total. silence. WHATEVER!!!!! It was worth it!
Hope God is really speaking to all you out there.... no matter what way.....
Hear His voice and be amazed!
Love the guitar girl,
Squeaky Beth
rock on!!!! (even if it is silently) :p
Friday, June 19, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen.... Keira!
Annnnnnd yes! Once again it is me, Beth. ( I think I should be the band's offical newsperson...hmmm...) As the title of this entry implies, I have named my dear little friend (That's DLF for you narnia nuts like me) that Zoe gave me: Keira! Yes, and I'm taking my newest guitar to greenlaws to get fixed up sooooon! Anyways, I'm happy to tell you a new song is on the way! I regret to inform you however, it is missing the chorus (Which I haven't writen yet) but the verses and the bridge are set, apart from some editing (Oh yay....). You want to see it, right? Okay, fine... *big smile* alright...
Can't see with you're eyes, gotta read between the lines
How many times do I have to tell you?
Gotta concentrate, it's a matter of faith
You can escape believe in miracles
All that I've seen is nothing compared to you
All that I need is falling into place
Feeling frustrated, don't know what you've created
Or maybe you don't want to know
You've played it safe, you're dreams locked in a cage
But you can erase the past today
Yes, and sadly, I have no chorus, but.... you get the idea. I'm thinking something along the lines of... D A Em G.... maybe....
Everybody says I write depressing music, so I'm really trying to write happy stuff!!!! Hee hee... :D
But now that Zoe is writing stuff too, she admits writing happy isn't as easy as depressing. Well. I say the reason for that is because songwriting can be a very good for letting your emotions out in a beautiful way. Of course, it always tends to be, er, well, depressing. Well, most of the time for me.
Ok, I'm going for my first driving lesson today! Yessssssssss! Sorry. Off topic. Anyways, have a great day everyone!
Love the guitar girl,
rock on!!!!
Can't see with you're eyes, gotta read between the lines
How many times do I have to tell you?
Gotta concentrate, it's a matter of faith
You can escape believe in miracles
All that I've seen is nothing compared to you
All that I need is falling into place
Feeling frustrated, don't know what you've created
Or maybe you don't want to know
You've played it safe, you're dreams locked in a cage
But you can erase the past today
Yes, and sadly, I have no chorus, but.... you get the idea. I'm thinking something along the lines of... D A Em G.... maybe....
Everybody says I write depressing music, so I'm really trying to write happy stuff!!!! Hee hee... :D
But now that Zoe is writing stuff too, she admits writing happy isn't as easy as depressing. Well. I say the reason for that is because songwriting can be a very good for letting your emotions out in a beautiful way. Of course, it always tends to be, er, well, depressing. Well, most of the time for me.
Ok, I'm going for my first driving lesson today! Yessssssssss! Sorry. Off topic. Anyways, have a great day everyone!
Love the guitar girl,
rock on!!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
It's a Matter of Faith
Hello again everybody! I've again witnessed a true miracle from God. As you may know (or if not, keep reading) Zoe's friend Ethan had offered to give me his old electric guitar. That seemed like the answer to all my prayers. I had prayed and prayed so hard that He would help me find an electric guitar (something we deemed necessary for the type of music we want to play) and Ethan's guitar seemed to be the answer at last. I told everyone I knew, how God had given me a guitar. But as soon as He gave it to me... He took it away. Ethan called me about a week later reporting that the guitar wouldn't be traveling to my house in Laconia, due to the fact that is was, truth to be told, no longer in prime playing condition. I have to admit I was a bit crushed. I had prayed, and God had seemingly answered. But suddenly, *poof* He took it right back. Boom. No more. I kept praying. I prayed that if He didn't want me to have Ethan's old guitar, He would show me what He wanted. He gives and takes away. But all I wanted was to be in the place He wanted me in. Last week, at my guitar class, my teacher told me that a store in Meredith called Music and the Arts was having a big sale on guitars. I considered this. Maybe God wanted me to go there? I prayed some more. I was praying every night, asking God to show us where He wanted this all to go. Then last Sunday, I was in for the surprise of my life.
Zoe, had been telling me about a surprise she was planning to give me for a couple weeks now and I really was quite curious. And, this may sound silly, but I prayed about this too! I prayed that whatever the surprise was, that is would be something He could use. After church, my heart nearly stopped when Zoe presented me with.... yes..... AN ELECTRIC GUITAR!!!
I really just about started crying. There is a long story behind how the guitar came into Zoe's hands ( I don't have time to explain, but to those involved, THANK YOU!) but at that moment... that old electric guitar, with dust under its strings... to me, the guitar could have been made of gold. It was an answer to prayer.
Yes, the 5 strings it still had are old (and detune, rapidly!!) and it doesn't have an amp, but I don't care. I lovingly cleaned it up and I will get some new accessories for it soon. Now I only need a name...
It's amazing how fast God is moving, always looking out for us. Just because He may take something away, doesn't mean it is for the worse. Sometimes, you can't see Him with your eyes. Maybe, sometimes, you have to just believe. And sometimes, believing is all it takes.
Love the guitar girl,
rock on!!!!
Zoe, had been telling me about a surprise she was planning to give me for a couple weeks now and I really was quite curious. And, this may sound silly, but I prayed about this too! I prayed that whatever the surprise was, that is would be something He could use. After church, my heart nearly stopped when Zoe presented me with.... yes..... AN ELECTRIC GUITAR!!!
I really just about started crying. There is a long story behind how the guitar came into Zoe's hands ( I don't have time to explain, but to those involved, THANK YOU!) but at that moment... that old electric guitar, with dust under its strings... to me, the guitar could have been made of gold. It was an answer to prayer.
Yes, the 5 strings it still had are old (and detune, rapidly!!) and it doesn't have an amp, but I don't care. I lovingly cleaned it up and I will get some new accessories for it soon. Now I only need a name...
It's amazing how fast God is moving, always looking out for us. Just because He may take something away, doesn't mean it is for the worse. Sometimes, you can't see Him with your eyes. Maybe, sometimes, you have to just believe. And sometimes, believing is all it takes.
Love the guitar girl,
rock on!!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Oh yeah, we got the new look...
Beth here. As you are prolly staring at the header on this blog, yes, we got a picture for you! Finally, I know. Sorry about that... :] Thank Christa, she's the amazing artistic girl on the DP team here. Today I wanted to mention a subject that has been on my mind: time. OK, what do you really need to say about time??? That's what you are thinking, right? Well, you only have so much TIME on this earth. You only have so much TIME to be a teenager, or TIME as the star of your high school sports team, etc, etc..... so how do you know you are spending your time wisely? How do you know that you aren't spending all your time doing the exact opposite thing you should be doing? The answer to this question was far from me. I kept thinking and thinking on this. Music and guitar aren't my only interests. So is this band thing (whether just for fun or for something more in the future) what I should be doing? Then I came across this verse: Proverbs 16:3. "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Bam. I'm still stuck on that verse. Whew. Us girls at DP want to serve and honor God in all we do. And we are convinced that this passion is real.
Real is a big word. In the quest to find what is real, don't get confused. Trust God.
Love the guitar girl,
Rock on!
Bam. I'm still stuck on that verse. Whew. Us girls at DP want to serve and honor God in all we do. And we are convinced that this passion is real.
Real is a big word. In the quest to find what is real, don't get confused. Trust God.
Love the guitar girl,
Rock on!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Somebody Dreams Bigger Than Me...
Alright, time to get back to updating you on all the band's happenings. I know, I know, Christa always bugs me about me adding too many posts (lol, :])... but. God is moving, I can feel it!
So much has happened, once again, and it is awesome to watch God at work. First off, I am finally getting around to doing worship team for our church (youth sunday, whoohoo!!). This of course, led to me asking the inevitable question as soon as I could talk to our church's music director (who plays guitar) and our church's drummer (who is awesome on the drums!!!). That being: "Hey can you guys try a song with me???" Well, they said yes, and after a quick briefing on the chords and such, before I knew it I was belting out my song (Free Fall) above the noise of drums and crazy guitar playing w/ petal and effects. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't the least bit nervous, even when the other kids decided to hang around and listen (and even more exciting, they LOVED it!!!!) and I managed to hit the right notes, blah blah blah.... lol :]
and then our youth group leader was like.... "Wow, can you do that song at church sometime?"
Jesus always takes me by surprise. Always!!! Well, Christa and Zoe weren't there to hear it (sadly... :'( cause it was amazing..) but I told them about it and next sunday, maybe they will get to hear! Yay!
So we (er... I) heard the most professional sounding version of our song so far. And what a beautiful gift from God it was!!! Can't wait to share it with you friends... I'm guessing we will open at EBC (in Laconia) sometime in July....
But that's my plan. God may have something different... you never know!!!
Have a good day, and never forget....
even when you don't understand, trust God. He knows more than you! :]
p.s. Wow, this is the 1st post I have put up so far that is all capitalized, and in a readable font size!!! Hee hee!!!! :]
So much has happened, once again, and it is awesome to watch God at work. First off, I am finally getting around to doing worship team for our church (youth sunday, whoohoo!!). This of course, led to me asking the inevitable question as soon as I could talk to our church's music director (who plays guitar) and our church's drummer (who is awesome on the drums!!!). That being: "Hey can you guys try a song with me???" Well, they said yes, and after a quick briefing on the chords and such, before I knew it I was belting out my song (Free Fall) above the noise of drums and crazy guitar playing w/ petal and effects. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't the least bit nervous, even when the other kids decided to hang around and listen (and even more exciting, they LOVED it!!!!) and I managed to hit the right notes, blah blah blah.... lol :]
and then our youth group leader was like.... "Wow, can you do that song at church sometime?"
Jesus always takes me by surprise. Always!!! Well, Christa and Zoe weren't there to hear it (sadly... :'( cause it was amazing..) but I told them about it and next sunday, maybe they will get to hear! Yay!
So we (er... I) heard the most professional sounding version of our song so far. And what a beautiful gift from God it was!!! Can't wait to share it with you friends... I'm guessing we will open at EBC (in Laconia) sometime in July....
But that's my plan. God may have something different... you never know!!!
Have a good day, and never forget....
even when you don't understand, trust God. He knows more than you! :]
p.s. Wow, this is the 1st post I have put up so far that is all capitalized, and in a readable font size!!! Hee hee!!!! :]
Friday, April 24, 2009
summers on its way...
well... once again it's been too long...
yeah. gotta love the joy of school daze. :)
how have you all been? summer is coming and we are anxiously anticipating more band get2gethers...
free time is such a beautiful thing, anybody who plays sports, or does any extra activity after school
knows what i mean... :) btw, in case any of you haven't figured out what 1tim41516 means (check our blog name)
it stands for 1 Timothy 4:15-16, which says, "Remember these things and think about them, so everyone can see how well you are doing. Be careful about the way you live and about what you teach. Keep on doing this, and you will save not only yourself, but the people who hear you."
this is our hope, that we will only sing what God has told us to, to convince others just how big God is and how important this spiritual battle is... its alot more dangerous than we think sometimes. there is a war for each soul, and we want to be sending the message God wants us to.
i won't ramble on anymore. :D i have to finish a history paper,
then i'm gonna watch Prince Caspian w/ my little sis.
i kno my bandmates agree.... those movies are awesome! ;)
today is soooo beautiful out! may God touch you through his creation....
luv the guitar girl,
yeah. gotta love the joy of school daze. :)
how have you all been? summer is coming and we are anxiously anticipating more band get2gethers...
free time is such a beautiful thing, anybody who plays sports, or does any extra activity after school
knows what i mean... :) btw, in case any of you haven't figured out what 1tim41516 means (check our blog name)
it stands for 1 Timothy 4:15-16, which says, "Remember these things and think about them, so everyone can see how well you are doing. Be careful about the way you live and about what you teach. Keep on doing this, and you will save not only yourself, but the people who hear you."
this is our hope, that we will only sing what God has told us to, to convince others just how big God is and how important this spiritual battle is... its alot more dangerous than we think sometimes. there is a war for each soul, and we want to be sending the message God wants us to.
i won't ramble on anymore. :D i have to finish a history paper,
then i'm gonna watch Prince Caspian w/ my little sis.
i kno my bandmates agree.... those movies are awesome! ;)
today is soooo beautiful out! may God touch you through his creation....
luv the guitar girl,
Friday, March 20, 2009
Prayers Answered
heyy! its been awhile, sorry...
beth here. and i just had to share my incredible story of prayer.
ok, so last saturday when we finally got to meet ethan (i am SERIOUSLY jealous of his guitar!!)
he tells me that he is going to give me his old electric guitar. amp and all. i have been praying about this soo much, you could never know.
i was just stunned into silence, but in my head all i could think was
i was too excited to say anything.... and i still cant quite put to words the feeling i still feel.
how can God be so amazing to us, when we dont deserve it?
it amazes me, always.... :D
and musical background... christa was explaining...
i really didnt find my passion for music until i was about 7 years old and i preformed in a childrens theater group (done by one voice, for those of you who know me!!!)
after that i took off. i couldnt get enough music. i've been doing 1 voice since 2004, and i've been taking voice lessons since 2005. i started guitar summer 2006/2007ish... its kinda fuzzy..
but writing songs was something i started when i was about 12.
i didnt tell anyone, i was too afraid somebody would laugh at me if i let anyone know what i was scribbling in various notebooks in my upstairs bedroom. but after a year of pouring out my heart on paper, i really felt like God was pushing me to tell someone. that someone(s) would be zoe and christa, my future bandmates. i have to say, at first it wasnt anything great, but God worked with me through it. and now, 3 years later, i feel so much more connected to God through what he's given me. it started really as a small thing. but thats how God works, right??? :D
sorry, was that a novel i just wrote?? lol
alright, have a good sunny day friends!!!
enjoy the sun. :)
beth xoxoxox
beth here. and i just had to share my incredible story of prayer.
ok, so last saturday when we finally got to meet ethan (i am SERIOUSLY jealous of his guitar!!)
he tells me that he is going to give me his old electric guitar. amp and all. i have been praying about this soo much, you could never know.
i was just stunned into silence, but in my head all i could think was
i was too excited to say anything.... and i still cant quite put to words the feeling i still feel.
how can God be so amazing to us, when we dont deserve it?
it amazes me, always.... :D
and musical background... christa was explaining...
i really didnt find my passion for music until i was about 7 years old and i preformed in a childrens theater group (done by one voice, for those of you who know me!!!)
after that i took off. i couldnt get enough music. i've been doing 1 voice since 2004, and i've been taking voice lessons since 2005. i started guitar summer 2006/2007ish... its kinda fuzzy..
but writing songs was something i started when i was about 12.
i didnt tell anyone, i was too afraid somebody would laugh at me if i let anyone know what i was scribbling in various notebooks in my upstairs bedroom. but after a year of pouring out my heart on paper, i really felt like God was pushing me to tell someone. that someone(s) would be zoe and christa, my future bandmates. i have to say, at first it wasnt anything great, but God worked with me through it. and now, 3 years later, i feel so much more connected to God through what he's given me. it started really as a small thing. but thats how God works, right??? :D
sorry, was that a novel i just wrote?? lol
alright, have a good sunny day friends!!!
enjoy the sun. :)
beth xoxoxox
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Musical Background
alrighhht im finally writing a new post. its christa here! i know i havent written in a while and i feel bad...but zoe ahs me in total wonderment. her? writing a SONG?? wow. the last song of hers that i read was....okay i wont embarrass her. but anyways, saturday is our next "big get together" yay!!!! we're meeting ethan! and i know that im excited to meet him, after all zoe's told us! and i know that beth is excited to meet his guitar. (yeah, you guessed it-its electric. and we know that beth will give ANYTHING to get her hands on one of those..) so.....its all going to be awesome. except we only have like two hours together. but whatever. we'll take what we get. but yeah, i'm extremely excited to hear zoe's new song. i mean, beth's songs are great, but im really excited to hear something different! no offense to beth or anything.
well, i guess im the only one to attack the tedious job of writing a song. huh. i have never seriously tried to write a song, because i know from past experiences that i'm terrible at poetry. its like my worst enemy. i dont know, maybe it'll be different. i know that before, though, when i tried to write songs, my faith was not well. maybe now it will be different. hey ^that could be a lyric! haha...not sure how well that'll go over. so, anyways...i thought that now would be a good time to write about our musical backgrounds.
okay, i'll start with me, i guess. well, both of my parents are very musical: my mom sings and plays piano wonderfully. my dad sings; his voice is great, he played trumpet in the army band and i think that he played flute for a while, too. he still plays trumpet. but i guess that i inherited musical ability from them. i have known music since i was little. i was in small musicals as a kid, most memorable to me the "We Like Sheep" musical, which was the first time that i met beth and zoe. although i did not become friends with either of them until i joined One Voice Ministries. my mother and i joined in the year of 2002, and zoe joined a year after. im not sure when beth joined. i was in band at school, playing the flute, since fifth grade. the middle of the year, my freshman year, i started homeschooling, so now i only get to go to band two times a week. anyways, im sidetracking. so, since 2002 i have only missed one one voice season. i also kinda know how to play piano, but definitely not as well as zoe can.
anyways, thats me. so, i will attempt to give the others' brief backgrounds. i dont really know so much about eithers' but i will try. i know that zoe started one voice in 2003 and she has a great voice. she takes piano lessons from dona lynn-the musical director for one voice and of Calvary Bible Church. zoe also has a good ear for rhythm and i think that she will do well on the drums. zoe-feel free to elaborate on that.
beth has a good voice, too and an ability to think up of songs and create chord progressions and all that good stuff. she is in one voice, and takes voice lessons from dona lynn. she is now also taking guitar lessons at Laconia High every morning. feel free to elaborate on that, beth, as well.
alright, that's all i got to say now, other than: pics are on the way! i just need to find time to finish editing them. :/
well, i guess im the only one to attack the tedious job of writing a song. huh. i have never seriously tried to write a song, because i know from past experiences that i'm terrible at poetry. its like my worst enemy. i dont know, maybe it'll be different. i know that before, though, when i tried to write songs, my faith was not well. maybe now it will be different. hey ^that could be a lyric! haha...not sure how well that'll go over. so, anyways...i thought that now would be a good time to write about our musical backgrounds.
okay, i'll start with me, i guess. well, both of my parents are very musical: my mom sings and plays piano wonderfully. my dad sings; his voice is great, he played trumpet in the army band and i think that he played flute for a while, too. he still plays trumpet. but i guess that i inherited musical ability from them. i have known music since i was little. i was in small musicals as a kid, most memorable to me the "We Like Sheep" musical, which was the first time that i met beth and zoe. although i did not become friends with either of them until i joined One Voice Ministries. my mother and i joined in the year of 2002, and zoe joined a year after. im not sure when beth joined. i was in band at school, playing the flute, since fifth grade. the middle of the year, my freshman year, i started homeschooling, so now i only get to go to band two times a week. anyways, im sidetracking. so, since 2002 i have only missed one one voice season. i also kinda know how to play piano, but definitely not as well as zoe can.
anyways, thats me. so, i will attempt to give the others' brief backgrounds. i dont really know so much about eithers' but i will try. i know that zoe started one voice in 2003 and she has a great voice. she takes piano lessons from dona lynn-the musical director for one voice and of Calvary Bible Church. zoe also has a good ear for rhythm and i think that she will do well on the drums. zoe-feel free to elaborate on that.
beth has a good voice, too and an ability to think up of songs and create chord progressions and all that good stuff. she is in one voice, and takes voice lessons from dona lynn. she is now also taking guitar lessons at Laconia High every morning. feel free to elaborate on that, beth, as well.
alright, that's all i got to say now, other than: pics are on the way! i just need to find time to finish editing them. :/
Hey everyone, it's Zoe here, just wanted to say, that I have written a song well kind of song. I have written songs before but I really like this one. I am not sure if it will be approved by the other band members but, it is worth a shot right?
I think this is just something worth sharing, if we don't put forth an effort to have a relationship with God, he will probably only move in our lives that much. We need to stay focused on him so that he will make himself known to us and we will have more joy and reassurance in our lives. That is kind of what the song I wrote is about. From personal experience, there was a time in my life when I had completely lost sight of God and I felt alone all the time, and empty, but something has changed and I have been bettering my relationship with God and I am happier. God can work miracles and although he may do little things in our lives at one point, that doesn't mean that he won't work bigger miracles later. Always remember that and never loose hope.
Peace Out
I think this is just something worth sharing, if we don't put forth an effort to have a relationship with God, he will probably only move in our lives that much. We need to stay focused on him so that he will make himself known to us and we will have more joy and reassurance in our lives. That is kind of what the song I wrote is about. From personal experience, there was a time in my life when I had completely lost sight of God and I felt alone all the time, and empty, but something has changed and I have been bettering my relationship with God and I am happier. God can work miracles and although he may do little things in our lives at one point, that doesn't mean that he won't work bigger miracles later. Always remember that and never loose hope.
Peace Out
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What is the answer?
hi, its beth again!
ok, so saturday went really well and we got ALOT done!!! thats always exciting to me.
im working on a new song... and its really been a struggle for me. i've been pressing into God, trying to see what He wants me to write, and just when i felt like giving up, *ta da!!!* he placed something on my heart.
isnt it so true, that our scientists and researchers are constantly trying to figure out why we exist, why we are breathing? but how can they be so blind??? the answer is Jesus, and He is RIGHT in front of us!! but still we try to ignore Him, cover up His name and try to take His place in society.
i was so suddenly swept away. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO OBLIVIOUS???? i just felt this wave of frustration and confusion as to why we as humans can forget the very thing that keeps us breathing. but then of course, i realized this is why i have felt called to the music ministry. we who know the truth HAVE TO SPEAK!!! we cant be afraid of what they may think, but we must use the voices God has given us.
im still working on the chords..... i called christa and tried to play it for her...... but i dont think its going to be ready for our next get2gether this saturday...
i just have to take it as it comes!! :)
but be praying for us as we continue to struggle with the ups and downs, and our needs as a band. we appreciate it!!! :D
have a great day friends!
beth xoxoxoxox
ok, so saturday went really well and we got ALOT done!!! thats always exciting to me.
im working on a new song... and its really been a struggle for me. i've been pressing into God, trying to see what He wants me to write, and just when i felt like giving up, *ta da!!!* he placed something on my heart.
isnt it so true, that our scientists and researchers are constantly trying to figure out why we exist, why we are breathing? but how can they be so blind??? the answer is Jesus, and He is RIGHT in front of us!! but still we try to ignore Him, cover up His name and try to take His place in society.
i was so suddenly swept away. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO OBLIVIOUS???? i just felt this wave of frustration and confusion as to why we as humans can forget the very thing that keeps us breathing. but then of course, i realized this is why i have felt called to the music ministry. we who know the truth HAVE TO SPEAK!!! we cant be afraid of what they may think, but we must use the voices God has given us.
im still working on the chords..... i called christa and tried to play it for her...... but i dont think its going to be ready for our next get2gether this saturday...
i just have to take it as it comes!! :)
but be praying for us as we continue to struggle with the ups and downs, and our needs as a band. we appreciate it!!! :D
have a great day friends!
beth xoxoxoxox
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hey everyone, this is Zoe here. In my school today, I was asked to create a brochure and because I do not know how to work the computer very well, I didn't know how to create it, so I was searching through all the Microsoft stuff and what not and I came across and sound recorder. I had so much fun playing with it, and I was actually thinking, "how can I use this?" Next thing I know, Beth was calling me and she was saying, if only we could record the songs so that everyone could have a recording, that way we can practice when we aren't together. Then the idea of this sound recorder popped into my head. I think this is just another God thing. He puts things into our lives that we have no clue might help us later on. I just thought I should mention that because it was just a reassuring thing that we are going the right thing in God's eyes. It is always good to do what God wants us to do instead of what we want to do.
Peace Out
Peace Out
Friday, March 6, 2009
Earth to Bandmates :P
hmmm..... idk where my fellow bloggers i'll have to fill in for them :)
Free Fall is finished!!!
i've played it for the fam and the response was 5 stars!!!!
who hoo!! now... i just have to show it to the bandmates....
im hoping to start a new song, maybe hopefully soon. but good news!!!!
i think i have a electric guitar fund going.... yay!! :)
its to hard to explain, but its good.
i HAVE to get a job, much like our drummer girl, zo.
i believe in the power of prayer, but i also believe God wants us to prepare for Him.
sooooooo, as much as i'd love to say,
'oh yeah, i pray for a guitar' and
*poof* a guitar lands on my head
i really think God wants us to work at it.
2morrow is the day!!! our 2nd big band 'get2gether'....
(sorry just got excited there!!!)
its really weird how this whole thing got started...
its really weird how we are even friends. hmmmm......
christa, our lead singer and (future) bass player is soooo girl rocker.
yeah. she is all about the latest look, hair, clothes...... thats christa.
and then zo is just like, bball girl. yep.
she'd go on stage in bball shorts and her hair in a ponytail!!! luv ya girl! <3
and of course, i'd prolly opt for the cute and comfortable- comfortable being the key factor here.
and did i mention i loooooove glitter? sparkles? glitterysparkles??? sparklyglitter?????
sequins!!! love sequins. :)
haha, anyways, thats me. and zoe. and christa. :)
hope to have some exciting news to tell you 2morrow friends!
enjoy the day.
beth xoxoxoxox
Free Fall is finished!!!
i've played it for the fam and the response was 5 stars!!!!
who hoo!! now... i just have to show it to the bandmates....
im hoping to start a new song, maybe hopefully soon. but good news!!!!
i think i have a electric guitar fund going.... yay!! :)
its to hard to explain, but its good.
i HAVE to get a job, much like our drummer girl, zo.
i believe in the power of prayer, but i also believe God wants us to prepare for Him.
sooooooo, as much as i'd love to say,
'oh yeah, i pray for a guitar' and
*poof* a guitar lands on my head
i really think God wants us to work at it.
2morrow is the day!!! our 2nd big band 'get2gether'....
(sorry just got excited there!!!)
its really weird how this whole thing got started...
its really weird how we are even friends. hmmmm......
christa, our lead singer and (future) bass player is soooo girl rocker.
yeah. she is all about the latest look, hair, clothes...... thats christa.
and then zo is just like, bball girl. yep.
she'd go on stage in bball shorts and her hair in a ponytail!!! luv ya girl! <3
and of course, i'd prolly opt for the cute and comfortable- comfortable being the key factor here.
and did i mention i loooooove glitter? sparkles? glitterysparkles??? sparklyglitter?????
sequins!!! love sequins. :)
haha, anyways, thats me. and zoe. and christa. :)
hope to have some exciting news to tell you 2morrow friends!
enjoy the day.
beth xoxoxoxox
Peace Out
its beth here. ya, i know what your talking about zo. for those of you who dont know, im in the
'dying to own an electrinc guitar' stage right now....
but me and my ol'hunk a wood acoustic are good for now :)
im reading about God's peace right now (hence the title) and it is really something we all need alot in our lives.
especially with this whole band thing. i mean, its a little nerve racking thinking
oh yeah, i have to write a song, make it sound good, figure out the vocals, work with zo on the piano, blah blah blah....
and we lose the sense of, riiiiiiight, this is for God's glory.
we NEED his blessing of peace to fill us and keep us going straight!!!
Isaiah 26:3-4 says:
"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord is everlasting strength."
basically, its the message i hope to be sending in our new song Free Fall.
ya, maybe someday we can actually get some kind of music for our webpage.... :)
but for now, its still awesome.
im just about to go take a Math test..... oh the joy....
yeah. anybody else reeeeallly not like math???
whatev. have a good morning everyone.
and may God's peace be with you!!!!
peace out..... rock on!!!!
beth xoxoxoxox
p.s. sorry about the huuuuge post.... :p
and yeah, zo, my pet peeve..... hmmmm..
i'll have to think on it. nothing is standing out yet....
'dying to own an electrinc guitar' stage right now....
but me and my ol'hunk a wood acoustic are good for now :)
im reading about God's peace right now (hence the title) and it is really something we all need alot in our lives.
especially with this whole band thing. i mean, its a little nerve racking thinking
oh yeah, i have to write a song, make it sound good, figure out the vocals, work with zo on the piano, blah blah blah....
and we lose the sense of, riiiiiiight, this is for God's glory.
we NEED his blessing of peace to fill us and keep us going straight!!!
Isaiah 26:3-4 says:
"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord is everlasting strength."
basically, its the message i hope to be sending in our new song Free Fall.
ya, maybe someday we can actually get some kind of music for our webpage.... :)
but for now, its still awesome.
im just about to go take a Math test..... oh the joy....
yeah. anybody else reeeeallly not like math???
whatev. have a good morning everyone.
and may God's peace be with you!!!!
peace out..... rock on!!!!
beth xoxoxoxox
p.s. sorry about the huuuuge post.... :p
and yeah, zo, my pet peeve..... hmmmm..
i'll have to think on it. nothing is standing out yet....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Guess what, I called Kristen Brown tonight to ask her about drums and stuff, and she said she didn't know anyone who was selling drums but she said she would do some research, and once winter is over she is willing to schedule a time for me to take a "lesson" but she really was just going to show me a few pointers.
My parents said that I need to get a job and they are willing to put $200 towards the drums but thats it. So I REALLY need to get a job and start saving for some drums. Maybe we can figure out a way to get some extra money before the summer just to get a head start. Well I am going to bed, so I will talk tomorrow.
Peace Out.
My parents said that I need to get a job and they are willing to put $200 towards the drums but thats it. So I REALLY need to get a job and start saving for some drums. Maybe we can figure out a way to get some extra money before the summer just to get a head start. Well I am going to bed, so I will talk tomorrow.
Peace Out.
So i just really love good food. who doesnt? yeah, my sister made this apple crisp
(which i haven't had in oh, 3 or 4 years...jk)
and it was sooooo good. yeah. ;)
this is just to make those of you who havent eaten jealous, jk :)
anyways. why was i talking about food...
i really havent said too much about me.
im the guitar girl of the group and i LOVE guitar.
i play like, 4 hours a day.
that crazy.
and i write the songs for our band... idk...
its just a gift from God and i hope to use it.
my dream is that someday people can hear our songs and understand how much God loves them through the lyrics.
(sorry, sidetracking!!!) :p
but yeah, i sing the high harmony in our songs....
maybe christa will let me lead once and awhile too... we'll see. :)
im sensitive but definately strong willed about alot of things, like keeping this band thing goin'!
and another thing... im addicted to using smileys in allllllll my emails, blog posts, etc, etc.... :)
see. there i go. *hee hee
have a good evening friends!
rock on!
beth xoxoxoxox
(which i haven't had in oh, 3 or 4 years...jk)
and it was sooooo good. yeah. ;)
this is just to make those of you who havent eaten jealous, jk :)
anyways. why was i talking about food...
i really havent said too much about me.
im the guitar girl of the group and i LOVE guitar.
i play like, 4 hours a day.
that crazy.
and i write the songs for our band... idk...
its just a gift from God and i hope to use it.
my dream is that someday people can hear our songs and understand how much God loves them through the lyrics.
(sorry, sidetracking!!!) :p
but yeah, i sing the high harmony in our songs....
maybe christa will let me lead once and awhile too... we'll see. :)
im sensitive but definately strong willed about alot of things, like keeping this band thing goin'!
and another thing... im addicted to using smileys in allllllll my emails, blog posts, etc, etc.... :)
see. there i go. *hee hee
have a good evening friends!
rock on!
beth xoxoxoxox
o by the way, for all of our soon to be fans
(that we don't have yet) if you ever want to
chat some more with us, you can email us
All three of us share it so you can check it out.
I decided to write some more because it is just so
addicting, (and I felt bad because my first post was really
short compared to my other girls posts) and my dad
got a new computer so the keys are really fun to type
on. A little dorky I know, but you will find out I
am beyond dorky. Just a little background on me,
I am usually really shy in front of people I don't know
but once you get to know me, you're like, who is this
crazy girl anyways. well maybe thats a little dramatic
but thats ok, o know Beth is rubbing of on me. jk girl.
anyway, I love to camp and be outside. My favorite camp
is Camp Goodnews doing the Wilderness part. It is sooooo
much fun, if your into that, you should check it. I have
tried to get Christa to go but she isn't really into that, anyways
I just got back from my piano lesson, I had to stop in the middle
of writing this post to go, but we are going to eat dinner soon, so I
have to really go.
Peace out
(that we don't have yet) if you ever want to
chat some more with us, you can email us
All three of us share it so you can check it out.
I decided to write some more because it is just so
addicting, (and I felt bad because my first post was really
short compared to my other girls posts) and my dad
got a new computer so the keys are really fun to type
on. A little dorky I know, but you will find out I
am beyond dorky. Just a little background on me,
I am usually really shy in front of people I don't know
but once you get to know me, you're like, who is this
crazy girl anyways. well maybe thats a little dramatic
but thats ok, o know Beth is rubbing of on me. jk girl.
anyway, I love to camp and be outside. My favorite camp
is Camp Goodnews doing the Wilderness part. It is sooooo
much fun, if your into that, you should check it. I have
tried to get Christa to go but she isn't really into that, anyways
I just got back from my piano lesson, I had to stop in the middle
of writing this post to go, but we are going to eat dinner soon, so I
have to really go.
Peace out
Hey everyone, this is Zoe, just wanted to
write a post on the new band blog. I am
soooo excited. Like Beth said, we will have
pictures probably by Saturday night of us
working on music and having fun. Anyways
Beth stole my fav. color so I guess my color
is green. Thats ok, but ya, everyone is coming
over to my house on Sat. and we are going to
have a mini photo shoot of our own, so be
prepared, anything could happen. Well
I can't talk for long, because I actually have to
go to my piano lesson very soon with Dona Lynn
and I need to get a quick practice in before I go.
So, I will probably talk later tonight.
Peace out.
write a post on the new band blog. I am
soooo excited. Like Beth said, we will have
pictures probably by Saturday night of us
working on music and having fun. Anyways
Beth stole my fav. color so I guess my color
is green. Thats ok, but ya, everyone is coming
over to my house on Sat. and we are going to
have a mini photo shoot of our own, so be
prepared, anything could happen. Well
I can't talk for long, because I actually have to
go to my piano lesson very soon with Dona Lynn
and I need to get a quick practice in before I go.
So, I will probably talk later tonight.
Peace out.
im back again!!! ok, ok, so maybe i just posted something but....
this is just too much fun. seriously.
anyways, i just had to give an update. Free Fallin' (as im calling it for now) is almost done being edited...
i'll prolly let my bandmates help me finish it. :)
and for those of you waiting for a pic....IT IS COMING!!!!
yay! Saturday....on its way.... *hee hee!
but its all good. just had to let you guys know.
rock on!
beth xoxox
this is just too much fun. seriously.
anyways, i just had to give an update. Free Fallin' (as im calling it for now) is almost done being edited...
i'll prolly let my bandmates help me finish it. :)
and for those of you waiting for a pic....IT IS COMING!!!!
yay! Saturday....on its way.... *hee hee!
but its all good. just had to let you guys know.
rock on!
beth xoxox
Heyy!! It's beth, the super amazing guitarist from Destination: Paradise (lol, jk).
just got back from guitar....and really, im NOT a rockstar or anything, but literally everyone in my class thinks im a guitar expert. oh well.... :)
i've been really focusing on Romans 8:39, which says, "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
and how many times do we in our Christian walk feel like we've been neglected or forgotten? its a great verse, thats all i have to say!!!
so i've finished a new song.... titled "Free Fall" or "Free Falling".... we'll get to the official name prolly on saturday
just got back from guitar....and really, im NOT a rockstar or anything, but literally everyone in my class thinks im a guitar expert. oh well.... :)
i've been really focusing on Romans 8:39, which says, "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
and how many times do we in our Christian walk feel like we've been neglected or forgotten? its a great verse, thats all i have to say!!!
so i've finished a new song.... titled "Free Fall" or "Free Falling".... we'll get to the official name prolly on saturday
our next big practice and prayer time, i cannot wait :)
i cant list all the lyrics now, but i can give you the chorus...
It's like I'm free fallin'
It's a crazy ride, hold on tight
I hear you calling
And I'll answer, thank you Jesus
I'm filled with His love
Everything's in place
It's like I'm free fallin'
Since I took a leap of faith
Well, I g2g read this school book called "Darkness at Noon" its reaaaaallly not my kinda book. All political and dry...
well anyway, you gotta love yummy books like that!! :p
hope you're all having a good day friends!!! <3
luvs, beth xoxoxo
christa here...
well, blog is created!
this is the unofficial blog for our band Destination: Paradise.
the band started as nothing more than a dream about two years ago when three girls decided they wanted to use their talent of voice in some way..
our small band consists of three (possibly four) people.
there's me, christa, titled lead singer. and possible bassist in the future. but just lead singer for now.
there's beth: song writer, lead guitarist, high harmony.
there's zoe: pianist, low harmony, future percussionist. when we get enough money to get drums.
and there's recently-asked "helper" for now, ethan. zoe's friend.
beth and i, however, have yet to meet him.
our band only recently became something a bit more than a dream. we actually feel like this is going somewhere.
we feel that we have definitely improved in our singing ability, and beth in playing guitar, as she is now taking lessons at Laconia High School every morning (?) i am sure she'll correct me if im wrong...zoe has improved drastically in her piano playing, and i have nothing major to count for, besides my voice. beth has asked the worship leader at her church if they would help us with some songs once we have created enough to show for. i am told that they have an amazing drummer, so that should help zoe and with our tempo. and keeping together and all that. we've been totally psyched about this whole band thing because for the first time since we've been trying to make this work we feel that things are really coming together and we feel like we can actually take this to a whole new level of excitement and hopefully, eventually, if we are called to do so, be able to perform and record. but that's a ways down the road.
it took us a while to settle on a name. we had brainstormed a ton of different ideas for names and this was the one that jumped out at me the most. i just thought it sounded really cool and it does actually have meaning. we, as Christians have a destination to paradise. that paradise that God made for us is His kingdom in Heaven. Destination: Paradise. other names that we had considered were 3bygrace, Colorless Flame, A Chord of 3, among others. but, just today, we concluded that Destination: Paradise would most likely be the name.
so, we have leanrned many things already in this journey so far, and are sure to learn many, many more. but one thing we have to always keep in mind is to trust God and that he is leading us on the right path.
we only have two songs as of yet: Here and Now and Freefall(ing)
well, i think that's pretty much it for now. we hope to post some pics soon...
well, blog is created!
this is the unofficial blog for our band Destination: Paradise.
the band started as nothing more than a dream about two years ago when three girls decided they wanted to use their talent of voice in some way..
our small band consists of three (possibly four) people.
there's me, christa, titled lead singer. and possible bassist in the future. but just lead singer for now.
there's beth: song writer, lead guitarist, high harmony.
there's zoe: pianist, low harmony, future percussionist. when we get enough money to get drums.
and there's recently-asked "helper" for now, ethan. zoe's friend.
beth and i, however, have yet to meet him.
our band only recently became something a bit more than a dream. we actually feel like this is going somewhere.
we feel that we have definitely improved in our singing ability, and beth in playing guitar, as she is now taking lessons at Laconia High School every morning (?) i am sure she'll correct me if im wrong...zoe has improved drastically in her piano playing, and i have nothing major to count for, besides my voice. beth has asked the worship leader at her church if they would help us with some songs once we have created enough to show for. i am told that they have an amazing drummer, so that should help zoe and with our tempo. and keeping together and all that. we've been totally psyched about this whole band thing because for the first time since we've been trying to make this work we feel that things are really coming together and we feel like we can actually take this to a whole new level of excitement and hopefully, eventually, if we are called to do so, be able to perform and record. but that's a ways down the road.
it took us a while to settle on a name. we had brainstormed a ton of different ideas for names and this was the one that jumped out at me the most. i just thought it sounded really cool and it does actually have meaning. we, as Christians have a destination to paradise. that paradise that God made for us is His kingdom in Heaven. Destination: Paradise. other names that we had considered were 3bygrace, Colorless Flame, A Chord of 3, among others. but, just today, we concluded that Destination: Paradise would most likely be the name.
so, we have leanrned many things already in this journey so far, and are sure to learn many, many more. but one thing we have to always keep in mind is to trust God and that he is leading us on the right path.
we only have two songs as of yet: Here and Now and Freefall(ing)
well, i think that's pretty much it for now. we hope to post some pics soon...
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